Third Congressional District
Sixth Congressional District
Democrat: Edward A. Garmatz
Democrat: John R. Poley
2210 Lake Avenue
9730 Byeforde Road
Baltimore 13
(No Candidate)
Republican: Charles McC.
Mathias, Jr.
Route 2
Baltimore City
Foley Mathias
Wards 1-8, 22-24, and
prec. 9 Ward 26; prec. 1
of Ward 27 .................................... 41,446
Allegany .................. 9,713 15,361
Frederick .................. 6,783 13,197
Garrett ........................ 1,966 4,165
Montgomery ......... 39,908 59,579
Washington ............ 10,746 13,910
Fourth Congressional District
TOTALS ........................ 68,116 106,212
Democrat: George H. PaUon
3806 Hadley Square,
Baltimore 18
Republican: John E. Brandau
Seventh Congressional District
1415 Kitmore Road
Democrat: Samuel N. Friedel
Baltimore 12
2201 South Road
Baltimore City
Fallen Brandau
Republican: Caroline R. Ramsay
Wards 9-14, 17;
prec. 1-2 of Ward
18; Wards 19-
800 W. Belvedere
Baltimore 10
20; prec. 37-56,
76-80 of Ward
Baltimore City
27 .................................... 35,077 13,425
Friedel Ramsay
Ward 15, incl.
TOTALS ........................ 35,077 13,425
prec. 4A, 4B
and 4C; Wards
Fifth Congressional District
16-21; prec. 1-
11 of Ward 25;
Democrat: Richard E. Lankford
prec. 35-45 of
R. P. D. 3
Ward 26; prec.
2-36, 57-75, SI-
Republican: Joseph M. Baker, Jr.
12 Woodlawn Drive
105 of Ward 27;
Ward 28, prec.
2A-12A, ISA,
13B ........................... 57,958 24,825
Lankford Baker
Anne Arundel ...... 25,177 16,976
TOTALS ........................ 57,958 24,825
Calvert ........................ 2,242 1,519
Charles ..................... 4,647 3,819
Howard ..................... 4,999 4,881
Prince George's... 42,080 38,949
St. Mary's .. 4,009 1,583
Baltimore City
prec. 12-19 of
Ward 25 ..... 2,452 605
TOTALS ........................ 85,606 58,332